The following information was provided to potential participants when recruitment was ongoing; it has now ended.


While the data acquisition system is being installed on your car, you will complete paperwork and testing at the data collection location, which should take approximately 2 — 3 hours. You will be provided a comfortable area such as a conference room for paperwork and testing. This initial paperwork and testing will include:

  • Proof of a valid U.S. driver's license, proof of vehicle insurance, and proof of ownership (vehicle registration) or a letter from the owner.
  • The informed consent process, culminating with signing the informed consent form.
  • A series of tests assess the following: vision, mental ability, physical ability, and include several questionnaires.

The assessment component involves filling in forms, standard vision tests, and standard computer–based tests, and a couple of physical tests. It is believed that there are no more than minimal risks involved with such activities. In addition, you will be asked to squeeze a grip strength tester and rapidly walk 10 feet and back and forth as fast as you can without running or falling. The risk with using the grip strength tester is brief hand soreness. The main risk with the Rapid Pace Walk is falling if you try to go too fast. Because the assessment process may take two or three hours, you may get tired, but you can also take a break when needed. Note that these tests are designed so that any driver would be able to complete them, and there is no passing or failing involved.

For More Information

If you are interested in learning more about participating in the SHRP 2 NDS, please contact by phone at 1-540-231-1583.